The Flame Within

The flaming entity has been chained deep inside the hidden darkness of my soul for a liftime. I can feel her constantly straining in a futile effort to escape. The thick impenetrable wooden door of her cell is marred with penetrating scratches as she strives for freedom and awaits the one strong enough to satisfy her insatiable hunger.

Brave men, so sure of themselves, so full of themselves, thought they could handle the blinding heat of her blazing spirit. But once she was released, they cowered in fear, trembling at her feet, and she laughed. A wicked, evil castrating laugh as she watched them retreat in devastating humiliation. But it was the laughter of frustration and disappointment which followed their flight, as she was once again forced to return to her solitude.

They promised her the freedom to burn, but left her cold and abandoned. It was more painful than the chains which bound her. She was left to wonder if there never be a mortal man who could meet the challenge. A man who would not be afraid of the intensity of her white hot passion. Would the burning entity be forever hidden away, deep within the dark, desolate prison unable to find release?

Yet, once there was such a man. A phantom, a ghost, a cyber Master who had the strength and the courage to unlock to door and enter the darkness unafraid. He called to her from the realm of cyber-space with the promise of the ultimate consumption of her unfilled desires. And I felt the flames of her lust began to seethe within me. His written words electrify my spirit. His voice ignited my soul. The images he described made breathing difficult and unnecessary. My body shivers, but the room is not cold. The entity awakens and desires him. I feel his powerful domination of the creature who exists deep inside my soul and I want no other. I know he will be the one to embrace the raging inferno and remain unscathed.

I close my eyes and release her into his waiting arms. Instantly I feel her flame burn through my lips, my tongue, my fingers and radiate through him. And he responds. His touch produces a flood of orgasmic waters, quenching the fire and we erupt in a torrent of smothering steam. We are two fiery snakes wrapped tightly in each other’s embrace. Not knowing where one ends and the other begins And She is pleased.

The coolness which follows is a comforting breeze as the embers smolder beneath us. But it is all a fantasy. The man is gone and the flame is once again left alone to burn in the darkness, awaiting his return.


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